The journey strewn with adventures of François Veber, electrician who decides to embark on the theater. For his passion, he leaves his wife. Particularly awkward, he will have to work to achieve his dream.
Nightclub musician Sebastian, discovers one evening with surprise that he is supposedly the grandfather of a boy with the same name as him.
Three generations of a wealthy Bordeaux family are caught in the crossfire when Anne decides to run for mayor, thanks to a political pamphlet that revives an old murder scandal.
It is a difficult task for this unemployed chemist who has become the butler of a former diplomat. He will have to protect him from the women he likes a little too much, and from his own family who wants to put him under guardianship.
Allô Hélène
Edgar et sa bonne - Voyage autour de ma marmite
The students of a local school unite in mutiny against their headmaster and two teachers.
A candidate for mayor of a small town decides to have the mayor's daughter kidnapped to induce him to withdraw his candidacy in the next elections.
Agathe is a happy writer who has a visceral hatred of children. In order to get the inheritance of a wealthy aunt, Agathe will be forced to reconsider her position on motherhood.
La Famille Bargeot
An anthology of erotic stories by famous writers like Guy de Maupassant, Nicolas Edme Restif de La Bretonne, Marquis de Sade, Giovanni Boccaccio, Marquis de Foudras, Daniel Defoe, Anton Tchekov, Jin Ping Mei, and Aristophanes.