Story of a family. Problems, marriage, taxes, revenge, friendship, army, life and much more.
Short university film.
Divorț... din dragoste
Dana, a young teacher, loses her husband in a car accident. Her four year old son misses a father a lot. Dragoș appears in their lives to fill the void.
A young girl is cast for a musical comedy, but she refuses after her father doesn't let her play in it. After that, more offers emerge, along with a hit song dedicated to her from a infatuated admirer.
Sanda spends all her time working in a plastic factory, raising her two small children and catering to an indifferent husband, leaving little room for herself. A chance encounter with another man may offer her an escape from her daily chores.
In 1925 Romania, young Marie-Therese Von Debretsy refuses the flirtatious advances of her husband's commanding officer. As a result, the cosmopolitan family is reassigned to a brutally bleak and dangerous outpost on the Bulgarian/Romanian frontier where both their relationship and humanity are severely tested.
One day, teenager Magda offers her expensive necklace to a sick child in the hospital she volunteers for- her father is certain she is lying again. When she proves her innocence, he is ashamed and guilty but also incapable of admitting he was wrong. Relationships are now broken and in chaos, and past decisions have an irreversible outcome.
The protagonists mistakenly fall in love, leading to a domino-type situation filled with awkwardness and comic situations. A large inheritance, acquired through a special will condition, sparks a tragico-comic competition among contenders.
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