In the early 1970s, the BBC decided to launch a series of exhibitions featuring monsters and props from Doctor Who. Over the next three decades, untold thousands of children (and adults too!) were thrilled by a mix of innovative, exciting and stunning extravaganzas! For many fans, these exhibitions were their first and only real chance to get close-up to their favourite TV programme … and the memories they share in this innovative documentary series are bound together by interviews with experts and people who actually worked at them! The museum re-opened in 2021 after extensive restoration work and we tell the story of that opening … and the incredible journey that led to that memorable day!
In 1997, Reeltime Pictures launched a new series of VHS home entertainment videos with the title Beyond Belief! The concept was to make available rare cult films which were … shall we say … a little macabre or weird - and package them with a new introduction. Former DOCTOR WHO, TOM BAKER was enlisted to host the series and explain the background to each film in a “top and tail” piece to camera.
On August 6th 1977, the world’s first DOCTOR WHO convention was held at a church hall in Battersea, South London. Organised by The Doctor Who Appreciation Society (DWAS) , Convention ’77 was ground breaking – featuring sta appearances from the (then) current Doctor Tom baker with his latest companion Louise Jameson (Leela) and former Doctor Jon Pertwee. 40 years later, stars, fans and organisers returned to the church hall to reminisce about that special day! In this second volume celebrating the anniversary, we feature a convention panel with organiser Keith Barnfather, contributor Kevin Davies and attendee Andrew Beech, held at another DWAS event The Capitol II on the 7th May 2017.
By her own admission, Katy Manning is ‘as blind as a bat’ and never knows where she’ll end up. When she suddenly arrived in the UK, Katy was probably as surprised as the rest of us! Determined to thank the legion of Doctor Who fans who had written and supported her during her years abroad, Katy embarked on a whirlwind tour of British conventions and shops before leaving (yet again) for Australia… Along the way bump into Nicholas Courtney, Richard Franklin, John Leeson, Sophie Aldred, Sylvester McCoy, Michael Sheard and other surprise guest stars!
Documents the making of the Doctor Who Serial, "The Edge of Destruction". It was released on the DVD of the serial and hence in The Beginning box set.
In the years between the end of the classic series and the broadcast of Doctor Who The Movie, Doctor Who survived in print, video and audio, kept alive by fans who were determined not to let it die. With Peter Cregeen, John Freeman, Tom Spilsbury, Peter Darvill-Evans, Justin Richards, Andrew Cartmel, Keith Barnfather, Bill Baggs, Kevin Davies and Jason Haigh-Ellery. Narrated by Glen Allen.
This documentary includes the best in-depth interviews with TREVOR MARTIN (the Doctor in the stage play Seven Keys to Doomsday), DAMARIS HAYMAN (Olive Hawthorne in The Daemons), STEWART BEVAN (Cliff Jones in The Green Death), JEREMY BULLOCH (Hal the Archer in The Time Warrior), ANDREW HAYDEN-SMITH (Jake Simmonds in Rise of the Cybermen) and DAVID BRIERLEY (Voice of K9) ever undertaken!
This documentary includes five in-depth interviews with IAN COLLIER (Omega - Arc of Infinity), BERNARD ARCHARD (Marcus Scarman - Pyramids of Mars), DAVID GOODERSON (Davros - Destiny of the Daleks), PETER MILES (Nyder - Genesis of the Daleks), JULIAN GLOVER (Scaroth - City of Death), plus a fascinating tribute to ROGER DELGADO (The Master) by the cast and production staff he worked with.
This documentary includes the best in-depth interviews with PRENTIS HANCOCK (Vaber, Salamar and Shrieve Captain), GEOFFREY BEEVERS (The Master), ANGUS LENNIE (Storr, Angus MacRanald), SHANE RIMMER (Seth Harper), KAI OWEN (Rhys Williams - Torchwood) and NICK JOSEPH (roles too numerous to list) ever undertaken!