The Rehearsal is a 1969 short comedy, written and directed by Stephen F. Verona. It is a humorous short where a director becomes frustrated with a quisitive actress during the rehearsal of a play. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 2010.
A series of unrelated stories containing drama, psychological thriller, fantasy, science fiction, suspense, and/or horror, often concluding with a macabre or unexpected twist.
The Funny Side is an American sketch comedy program that aired on NBC as part of its 1971 fall lineup.
Kraft Music Hall is an umbrella title for several television series aired by NBC in the United States from the 1950s to the 1970s in the musical variety genre, sponsored by Kraft Foods, the producers of a well-known line of cheeses and related dairy products. Their commercials were usually announced by "The Voice of Kraft", Ed Herlihy.