Antwerp in the fifties. Robin de Hert grew up in a Catholic parochial environment; on the one hand there is his authoritarian father and the sadistic secretary of the Catholic boys technical school, on the other hand there are the 'Grieten' and the French teacher with whom Robin is getting a good band through a secret they share. If the secretary finds out about this secret, this has major implications for both the teacher and the students ...
Mike & Thomas: De Mike & Thomas Kerstrevue
King Olaf of Haland is an albino who lives in a gloomy castle. Abraham Mogèn, an alchemist, wants to aid the king. But on his way to the castle he is murdered by the highwayman Wogram and his servant Onorg. Wogram disguises himself as the alchemist and wins the favor of the king.
Goede tijden, slechte tijden, also known as GTST, is the longest-running Dutch soap opera, revolving around the lives of the families Alberts, Sanders, De Jong, Van Houten and Bouwhuis. It all takes place in the fictional town of Meerdijk.
Baantjer is a Dutch television programme which was broadcast by RTL 4 from 6 October 1995 until 1 December 2006 for a total of 123 episodes in 12 seasons. It stars Piet Römer as Jurriaan 'Jurre' de Cock, a police detective, and Victor Reinier as Dick Vledder, his helper. The series is based on the novels of writer A. C. Baantjer. In 1999, RTL 4 broadcast the television film Baantjer, de film: De Cock en de wraak zonder einde because of the tenth anniversary of the network.
Ranking the Stars
Verre verwanten
Dancing on ice
MAX PubQuiz
In Jachtseizoen, Giel, Thomas and Stefan from Dutch YouTube channel StukTV take on a new challenger every week. Who remains uncaptured by StukTV? The chase has begun!
Matthijs looks back in surprise. With humor, music and other surprises.
The Masked Singer
Eight celebrities couples venture on the perilous mud roads along deep chasms and ravines, extreme mountain passes and terrifying jungle routes in The Most Dangerous Roads.
Eight Dutch celebrities with a passion for photography will compete against each other. This special edition will take place in beautiful Argentina. The participants will be given the most impressive assignments, with the South American country guaranteeing spectacular images.
Praat Nederlands Met Me
Weet Ik Veel
Het Perfecte Plaatje
De Verraders
Our lives are increasingly dominated by social media. Reason for RTL 4 to devote a new panel show to this: Are you still following me? From February 10, this comic program led by Ruben Nicolai can be seen on television. Two team captains compete every week with two celebrities in their team for the most likes. Tijl Beckand and Nynke de Jong are the team captains who dive into the treasure trove of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, blogs and vlogs every Wednesday. In various games, all kinds of special facts from the wonderful online world of famous Dutch people pass by. Do the teams recognize their online friends when they come face to face with them, for example?