Případ hodného vedoucího
Jirka and Aneta are a young couple who enjoy the routine of their quiet relationship and are in no hurry to make big decisions in life. One night in their inherited flat, the doorbell rings and standing at the door is Jirka’s mother Valerie. An initially brief call turns into a never-ending visit from an intense and caustic diva whose presence fundamentally disrupts the couple’s privacy. Certainties are shaken, boundaries broken.
Neviditelné nebezpečí
Do nebíčka
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A story about a man overly influenced by the women in his life, which is unique in many ways, including the fact that he somehow turned out to be "straight" in spite of his ordeals with women, which started at birth.
Praho, má lásko
Skřivánek a sova
The disappearance of two boys at a lake, during a scorching summer afternoon, forces us to question who we really are in the face of our own humanity.
Bohus is indolent and spends his days drinking brandy. One day he finds he has inherited a brickworks, several shops and a five-star hotel. Bohus sets out to tour his new empire, insulting everyone on the way.
Hlava Medúzy
Dobré ráno, Brno!
V službách zákona
During her third pregnancy, a divorced mother decides on an unusual solution to her life situation. Immediately after giving birth, she wants to entrust the child to new adoptive parents of her choice.