The story revolves around a teenager from a conservative family who struggles to strike a balance between societal expectations and personal desires. According to the popular adage, Achcham (Fear), Madam (Innocence), Naanam (Coyness), Payirppu (Chastity) are the four "ideal" qualities that every good Tamil girl must possess.
A mute, aspiring actor joins forces with a man who has a powerful voice. Together they take the film industry by storm, but will their egos get in the way?
A group of counter-terrorism agents are brought in to track down a man who was once the head of their squad, and is believed to have gone rogue.
Laali and Ladoo get trapped in a royal wedding that takes place in Vadodara.
Kadaram Kondan (Conqueror of Kadaram): The pregnant wife of a young doctor is kidnapped and the kidnappers want him to help free a patient who is admitted in the hospital. Who is the patient? And why are the cops and criminals after him?
Agni Siragugal
Be a part of the journey into the life of iconic personalities through a scientific lens and conversations with friends and family.
From pulling off casting coups to calming celebrity egos, the drama never stops for four Mumbai talent agents hustling to save their sinking company.
Comedy Nights with Kapil is a comedy show which provides a distinctive take on the everyday life of a common man as the show explores the story of every household and how our common man Kapil is affected by the simplest issues in life around him.
The anthology series showcases how a single social media post, instigated by negative emotions, can change one's life forever.