A 1970s documentary that highlights various martial arts fighting styles and features African American martial arts master Ron Van Clief aka "Black Dragon."
An apartment dweller goes on a search-and-destroy mission to kill the ruthless landlords who murdered his father.
Allison Wong gets abducted by a gang of drug smugglers with a nasty sideline business involving white slavery and prostitution. Interpol agent Bill Eaton, honest worker Chen, and Allison's brother join forces to take out the nefarious crime syndicate.
As China and Russia's governments are talking peace, traitorous agents on both sides seek war. Enter John Liu as a special agent sent to identify who the Russian traitor is, and who his contact is within the walls of the Forbidden City.
Bruce Lee (Bruce Li) is assigned to go undercover as Lee Min-Chin to investigate a drug ring. The mob hires an assassin to kill him. They are both great at what they do; as they fight to the death only one will come out alive.
Three rival gangs embark on a search for Bruce Lee's handwritten "finger fighting " manual.
As a child, Donald was tormented by his mother who used fire as a punishment. Now a deranged adult, Donald stalks women at clubs, then takes them home where he kills them with a flamethrower.