O mužoch, ženách a deťoch
A television production based on Bozena Slančíková-Timrava's short stories about social and moral conditions in a Slovak village in the 1930s.
Sen o kováčovi
Blúznenie srdca a rozumu
Jazda na spiacom obrovi
Zlaté klasy
Dnešný príbeh
Zlatá podkova, zlaté pero, zlatý vlas
Hĺbka ostrosti
Žltá rozprávka
Monsieur Batmanov
Tri svadby
Obyčajný príbeh
V tomto meste, v tejto chvíli
A ballad of unequal marriage taking place between the Slovak minority in Vojvodina, Serbia.
O hlúpej žene
Oko za oko
Právom lásky
Dulcinea z Tobosa
Domovníkov syn
The Queen of the Waterland gives the King Juraj access to the water of life when his daughter is seriously ill. However, if the magic fluid falls into the wrong hands, it loses its power.
Zakázané uvoľnenie
O dievčine Rozprávočke
Zločin Arthura Savila
Chlapec do náručia
Tuctové dievča
Ingrid lives in a small village in Slovakia, where the Roma population is the victim of a tenacious stigma. Despite this, Ingrid decides to become the legal representative of a young Roma girl, which upsets the fragile balance of her home.
Bocianie hniezdo
Druhá šanca
V službách zákona
Opice z našej police
Druhý dych
Vzbúrené mesto
A crime drama series following the work of a fictional regional criminal police unit investigating cases in the unique Záhorie region. The show presents intriguing cases where ordinary people commit serious crimes but go to extraordinary lengths to carry them out or cover their tracks. The detective duo always finds themselves facing off against clever perpetrators.