Willy Brandt - Erinnerungen an ein Politikerleben
Anne Will discusses political processes, economic relationships, and social trends with her guests. Her motto: to think politically and ask directly.
Sabine Christiansen
Sie und Er im Kreuzverhör
Volle Kanne
Menschen bei Maischberger
TV presenter Markus Lanz invites prominent guests and experts from all areas of public life to his colourful talk show. As a rule, there are four guests, introduced individually to contribute their personal experiences to the topics.
alfredissimo! Kochen mit Bio
Menschen der Woche
Stadt, Rad, Hund
Boulevard Bio
Alpha Forum
maybrit illner
NDR Talk Show
3 nach 9
Reinhold Beckmann hosts a weekly talk show.
Hart aber fair
Weimarer Salon
Im Palais
Im Dialog