Gerhard Schröder - Schlage die Trommel
Die politische Intrige
DDR - die entsorgte Republik
Neue Wut
Left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht’s working day is marked by applause and admiration but also doubts and intrigues. This film follows her and her team: from the 2017 election campaign to her withdrawal from political leadership in 2019.
TV presenter Markus Lanz invites prominent guests and experts from all areas of public life to his colourful talk show. As a rule, there are four guests, introduced individually to contribute their personal experiences to the topics.
Anne Will discusses political processes, economic relationships, and social trends with her guests. Her motto: to think politically and ask directly.
Reinhold Beckmann hosts a weekly talk show.
Die Montagsmaler
Günther Jauch
Extra 3 is a political satirical magazine from Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR).
Oskar – Der linke Rebell
3 nach 9
Menschen bei Maischberger
Die Johannes B. Kerner Show
Phoenix Runde
Münchner Runde
Sabine Christiansen
maybrit illner
Alpha Forum
Hart aber fair
Talk vor Mitternacht
Halb 12
Zur Person
Journalisten fragen - Politiker antworten
live - die ZDF-talkshow
Unter den Linden
Leute am Donnerstag
Unsere Besten
5 nach 10
Das Duell
Hamburg Journal
Berlin direkt
Im Dialog
Bericht aus Berlin
Aktueller Bericht