When the world's only Yeti in captivity is kidnapped from London Zoo, a group of children succeed in rescuing it.
While on a bird-watching expedition, brother and sister Gordon and Jema Ross lose the oars of their dinghy and are forced to paddle ashore with their hands. They encounter a gang who smuggle immigrants into Britain...
Fiddler tricks Magpie into swapping her stamp collection for a supposed penguin egg.
A race is arranged after Magpie boasts about her pet snail. Paid to catch snails in the Colonel's cabbage patch, Fiddler later persuades Magpie's Mum to give her daughter's snail collection to a French restaurant.
A supermarket offers free groceries to the winner of a Shrove Tuesday pancake race. The kids, after messy experiments with pancake batter, enter Susie in the race; she wins, despite the efforts of the unscrupulous "Mrs. Shove".
In hopes of winning a home decoration competition, the overbearing Mrs. Foster employs two men to repaint her flat. The kids volunteer to decorate the neighbouring flat of the elderly sisters. The front door keys are mixed up...
Smoke bombs fail to dislodge an old busker who has taken over the kids' headquarters, an abandoned circus caravan. One of Magpie's hidden treasures, a half-eaten fish, finally drives him out.
The Chiffy Kids go camping on a farm. Magpie causes a tent to collapse and as a punishment is tied to a large cooking pot. Freeing herself, she prepares a stew which is eaten by Herbert. The kids find only bones in the pot, and the repentant Herbert returns with sausages.
The kids take part in a bicycle race and manage to win new bikes, in spite of the organiser's treachery.
Putting on a pantomime, the kids find they must share the Church hall with a rock group. They decide to present a rock panto.
Magpie wins a duck which proves to be alive and no use for the Sunday dinner. The kids invent a device which makes the duck seem to talk.
The kids decide to earn money by making jam from damaged apples, but disaster occurs.
The children load up shopping trolleys and help their neighbours.
The story of Charles Darwin's journey on The Beagle.
Danny La Rue plays Cinderella's wicked stepmother in this grand tradition of a Christmas pantomime.