In the town of Normal Valley, an eccentric magician named Maestro entertains the local children every day in his spooky mansion. One stormy night, the town's mayor leads a group of angry citizens to the mansion in an attempt to run Maestro out of town.
A mockumentary series about the world's most obscure artists.
An adolescent arrives in a new town where he tries to join the drag-racing crowd.
Six people are lured into a small Deep South town for a Centennial celebration where the residents proceed to kill them one by one as revenge for the town's destruction during the Civil War.
Grim and gory, this trashy drama chronicles the exploits of a sexually frustrated psycho killer who terrorizes a backwoods Carolina community and butchers the girl friend of a country western singer after she refuses to service.
An anthology featuring four tales inspired by the Frankenstein legend.
A wannabe film director becomes embroiled in a battle against the laws of time and space when his attempts to recreate the iconic black and white, photograph-only, time travel film, La Jetée, spiral out of control.
Fantastic Shorts award-winner Jesse Atlas (RECORD/PLAY) returns to the section with an arresting sci-fi character study about a body-hopping assassin.