Angling Dharma is Indonesian historical-drama TV series, produced by Genta Buana Pitaloka (now Genta Buana Paramita). It was aired on Indosiar in May 10,2000.
Angling Dharma tells the story of the divisions that occurred in the Malwapati Kingdom when it was led by Prabu Angling Dharma, who was known as a wise king and possessed the magic of mandraguna. The split was sparked by a feud between Angling Dharma and Syudawirat with a background in the struggle for the throne.
Misteri Gunung Merapi (Mystery of Mount Merapi) is an Indonesian historical-drama TV series, produced by Genta Buana Pitaloka (now Genta Buana Paramita). It was first aired on Indosiar in February 7, 1999.
Mukjizat Cinta
Nyi Roro Kidul
Kisah Damarwulan
Karmapala : Ramayana & Mahabarata
Kisah Arya Gading
Pengantin Lembah Hantu
Keris Empu Gandring
Tutur Tinular Versi 2011
Sinetron Tiara
Bukan Salah Takdir
Brama Kumbara