Spanish silent based on the novel by the same name. The story begins in the early nineteenth century in a small town of Granada, after the death of Juan de Vargas, Curro, the son of this is in misery.
Spanish silent comedy based on Armando Palacio Valdés' novel. It was the first film starring Imperio Argentina.
Region of Castilla La Vieja, Spain, early 20th century. In Luján, a village ravaged by drought, Juan, a humble farmer who survives with his wife and son, confronts a local loan shark and is imprisoned as a result.
Luis Candelas or The Bandit of Madrid
El señor feudal
Los granujas
Eloisa is an orphan, the fiancée of Agustín, who meets her when she arrives in Madrid fleeing her stepmother's mistreatment. She happens to be the mother of an illegitimate child, but in reality the mother is his cousin Irene (with whom he lives, next to his aunt) married to Mr. Adrian. Her aunt Marcelina tries with this lie to save her daughter Irene. After numerous family entanglements, the truth becomes clear and the couple can live together and in peace.
Los guapos
Problema resuelto