Famille magique
Host Guy A. Lepage brings together six to eight personalities from different milieus—sports, politics, stage productions and more—that are the subject of everyone’s conversations and/or are important figures in recent events. Participants are invited to speak freely, voicing their opinions on headline news or on a subject that is near and dear to them.
Acrobats, clowns, contortionists, hypnotists, magicians, musicians, tightrope walkers, jugglers and others world-class artists perform their greatest routines in front of a live TV audience.
How well do you really know your kids? In this game show hosted by Pierre Hébert, three sets of parents try to predict what their 6- to 8-year-old child will do when confronted with a range of unusual situations. The family with the most correct predictions goes on to the final round!
Par ici la magie
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