The last part of the series How to remember? Is concerned with the texts of the publicist Eike Geisel (1945-1997). At the center are Geisel's criticisms of German remembrance politics and his thesis on the "reparation of the Germans". Texts by Geisel from the 1990s, including the Neue Wache and the Holocaust memorial in Berlin, contrast with today's pictures of the memorial sites described. They show a normality that does not really exist.
Kill Me Today, Tomorrow I'm Sick!
Der ewige Antisemit
Bühler Begegnungen - Peter Voß aus dem Friedrichsbau in Bühl
Links. Rechts. Mitte – Duell der Meinungsmacher
Das Literarische Quartett - Aspekte
Blauer Panther
Roche & Böhmermann
Neo Magazin Royale is a satirical late night show hosted by Jan Böhmermann.
Menschen bei Maischberger
Die Johannes B. Kerner Show
Kölner Treff
Phoenix Runde
Sabine Christiansen
Alpha Forum
maybrit illner
3 nach 9
Hart aber fair
Talk vor Mitternacht
Weimarer Salon
Unter den Linden
Leute am Donnerstag
Talk im Hangar-7
Was erlauben Strunz?
Im Palais
Fakt ist!
Im Dialog
A political satire show following renown publicists Henryk M. Broder and Hamed Abdel-Samad. They examine topics like racism, antisemitism, anti-Americanism, islamophobia, integration, religion, ecologism and conspiracy theories in Germany.
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