dAVID, pETER, sUNSHINE, bROADWAY vIC, mARY, and fRANK have survived on the streets and been homeless for decades, as they join an ambitious government program in the hopes of regaining their lives back.
A squad of soldiers fight in the Korean War's crucial Battle of Incheon.
As Hiccup fulfills his dream of creating a peaceful dragon utopia, Toothless’ discovery of an untamed, elusive mate draws the Night Fury away. When danger mounts at home and Hiccup’s reign as village chief is tested, both dragon and rider must make impossible decisions to save their kind.
When a passing asteroid begins to affect how people perceive time, one man (Riley Egan) struggles to keep up with a life that is quickly disappearing into the future.
Eccentric genius Walter O’Brien and his team of brilliant misfits comprise the last line of defense against complex, high-tech threats of the modern age. As Homeland Security’s new think tank, O’Brien’s “Scorpion” team includes Toby Curtis, an expert behaviorist who can read anyone; Happy Quinn, a mechanical prodigy; and Sylvester Dodd, a statistics guru.
Comic Brian Regan has become a well-known name on the comedy circuit since releasing his first stand-up album in 1997. In this hybrid series, he blends his trademark observational stand-up with short sketches and audience interaction. Topics range from everyday things that people can relate to -- such as sitting too close to others at restaurants and lost luggage -- to more out-there subjects like being the guy who flew to the moon but didn't get to walk on it.