"The Bandit" is a ruthless yet intelligent hitman, feared and respected by all crime bosses for his ability to carry out brutal assignments without leaving a trace. Once he accepts a contract, nothing can stop him—until he meets a woman who shakes his focus and makes him vulnerable.
Mexican feature film
Claudio, a womanizer, contracts AIDS due to his promiscuous lifestyle, and, in the hospital, he meets Mauricio, a homosexual Evangelist who is also infected and will discover Jesus to Claudio.
A high-strung love triangle of mystery and suspense arises between Julia, a beautiful and ambitious woman who, helped by Raúl, her lover, kill her husband.
The wife of the owner of the auto shop is a woman with many resources and, advised by a comadre, exercises total control over her husband and the workers. However, her husband manages to deceive her. One day he is discovered by his wife.
Herencia fatal
The mafia has to end in a place where they will gather together to have fun. When the supposed "party of the badasses" occurs, official groups in disagreement hire a specialist with the assignment of eliminating the "obstacles": LA ALACRANA, who will make everyone feel her force in "La Fiesta De Los Perrones!"
El peñón del amaranto