The third installment in the VeggieTales franchise. Plot TBA
In the city of Bag-heads, a senate member faces a tough choice between political career, brothels and love for a mysterious woman. A choice that will transform his life and the city in unimaginable ways.
Bob and Larry are preparing for their first Christmas show in Mr. Nezzer's theater and the show seems to be headed for disaster. Bob begins to wonder how to celebrate Christmas when everything is going wrong. It's when the Veggies go back to the very first Christmas, where times were tough and things didn't seem to be working out, that they all learn the promise of Christmas - God is with us. It's a timeless story of hope that every family will enjoy!
Myra and Galen, two young adults, cope with their drug addiction through willful ignorance; however, the reality of their situation begins to unfold, tainting Myra's childhood memories.
Meet Andrea, Mia, Emma, Olivia and Stephanie. They're five best friends. And they're on a heroic mission: to save Heartlake City from wily swindlers.
Legend says at the end of the rainbow, there's a pot of gold. But the truth is, it's something even more amazing. Only a chosen few with an eye for bold fashions can follow the rainbow to Rainbow High, the colorful fashion school where everyone learns to flaunt their true color.
Bob, Larry and all your Veggie friends return in an all new television series. Bob and Larry use Mr.Nezzer's theatre to put on various performances based on stories from the Bible.