The story follows Dawood, who wishes to don the cop uniform right from his childhood. He grows up to be a straight-laced, passionate policeman, who is sent off to a sleepy border suburb Kollanahalli for his first posting. An unexpected turn of events presents him an opportunity to prove himself.
"Homely Meals" is an entertainer starring Atlee Srindha Ashab, Manoj K. Jayan, Nedumudi Venu, Kailash, Sudheer Karamana, Joju, Neeraj Madhav and Sijoy Varghese in pivotal roles.
Tom, a young auto mechanic falls in love with Diya whom he sees one day from the bus. The love got blossomed and at one point a psychopath named Edger came in to the life of this couple after an unfortunate accident. The incident lead to a scenario where Edger got humiliated and the movie is basically about the rivalry between Tom and Edger.
Ikkayude Shakadam is a film "of, for and by" the fans of Megastar Mammootty. An experimental fantasy-comedy, the movie is a heartfelt tribute one of the finest actors in Indian cinema, and is directed by Prince Avaraachan.
Janazah is the story of a fantastical journey to death of the eighty-year-old, Gandharvan Haji. When he travels at night in the same deathbed where his ancestors were carried, in the arms of his children. As he reaches the most relaxed state of his life, the wonders of the sky begin to call to him. Gandharvan Haji's beautiful journey to heaven begins here.