Naoko-san is an alien from the planet Yuri, who is plotting to conquer the Earth by yurifying it. Misuzu is a junior high girl and is always troubled by Naoko-san, who lives on the roof of her house. They hear rumors that a molester is wandering around in the area, so they decide to investigate.
Naoko-san is an alien from the planet Yuri, who is plotting to conquer the Earth by yurifying it. Misuzu is a junior high girl and is always troubled by Naoko-san, who lives on the roof of her house.
In the middle of class at a certain school, Rumi Yokoi, a diligent student, has her in-class life turned upside down when her desk mate Toshinari Seki begins to play by himself at his desk in class. Although Rumi is irked by Toshinari's distracting yet intricate playtime, she finds herself being drawn into his interesting hobby. Never being able to focus, Rumi observes Seki's stunning ways of slacking off in class.
Banri Tada is a freshman at a Tokyo law school. After an accident, he suffers severe memory loss. Despite the incident, he befriends fellow freshman, Mitsuo Yanagisawa, which leads him to the beautiful, yet obsessive, Kouko Kaga.