Criminal thriller about traffickers and smugglers from Ukrainian border. The feature film about the borders and the life on their edge.
A solitary police operative skilfully moves on the edge of the law in the wild atmosphere of the East Slovak underworld in the early 1990s.
Dážď padá na naše duše
Romania, 1968. Two very different brothers. Mihai is a secret police informant, Emil is a dedicated dissident. When they have the opportunity to have their ailing father’s eyes operated on in East Germany, the three set out on a moving odyssey.
Inspired by true events of the 1989 Czech and Slovak Velvet Revolution and Václav Havel's controversial release of 23000 prisoners. In addition to the story of three families affected by communist persecution, the film Amnesty also deals with the uprising of prisoners in Leopoldov, which required military intervention. The uprising was preceded by a broad amnesty granted by Václav Havel in January 1990, just a few days after his election as Czechoslovak president.
The path of wo young individuals hungry for quick wealth takes a treacherous turn as they venture into the world of illegal fentanyl production – a dangerous drug with far-reaching consequences.
Ema & Death’s-Head deals with the precarious border between humanism and the protection of one’s own life in situations when one excludes the other. Marika Sándorfi is hiding a Jewish boy during the dramatic era of the First Slovak State on the Slovak-Hungarian border. Šimon Holan, the boy in hiding, has a special ability to survive thanks to dreaming and a child’s fantasy.
When 19-year-old Aathi and her family, as the first farmers ever, arrive in what is now known as Denmark, her family is killed by a local tribe of hunter-gatherers. To survive, Aathi and her brother are forced to live with the tribe.
A crime drama series following the work of a fictional regional criminal police unit investigating cases in the unique Záhorie region. The show presents intriguing cases where ordinary people commit serious crimes but go to extraordinary lengths to carry them out or cover their tracks. The detective duo always finds themselves facing off against clever perpetrators.