Podivný výlet
Proč nevěřit na zázraky
Chytrá princezna
Modrý kosatec
Poslední ples na rožnovské plovárně
O Nanynčiných koláčích
Čertův švagr
Předeme, předeme zlatou nitku
Zlaté kapradí
Nevěsta z obrázku
Dvanáct měsíčků
In the mid-eighties, screenwriter and director Jaroslav Balík tried to give voice to the problems of an ambitious young woman who decides to get back to work after a few years spent on maternity leave. NFA.CZ
Světlo v tmách
Soviet engineer Kuznecov is coming to Prague as an expert on work with the tunneling shield in construction of the metro. He is returning after more than thirty years. In May 1945 as a young soldier in the Red Army he was seriously injured in the liberation of Prague and while recovering experienced a great love with a young teacher called Vera.
Doktor z vejminku
Pouť králů
Poručík Petr
Laskavý divák promine
Letící delfín
Sanitka was a Czech television, drama series, first broadcast in 1984 and eleven episodes were made. It starred Jaromír Hanzlík, Tomáš Juricka and Zlata Adamovská among others.