Set in the world of 2045, where communities have robotic helpers, a group of suburbanites are locked in for their protection by their household robots, while a rogue, self-aware AI android revolt uprising takes place outside.
An ordinary bakery beside a country road. Behind the counter stands Odile, so ordinary it hurts. One day, a gang of bikers stops in front of the bakery. The past will invade Odile's life, bringing with it her most violent memories. This confrontation slowly turns her life on its head.
Angelino is just one of thousands of deadbeats living in Dark Meat City. But an otherwise unremarkable scooter accident caused by a beautiful, mysterious stranger is about to transform his life... into a waking nightmare! He starts seeing monstrous forms prowling around all over the city... Is Angelino losing his mind, or could an alien invasion really be happening this quietly...?
In a circus, Gom, a rubber-boy, has to replace inappropriately the artist's assistant during the show.