Kira is a botanist with magical abilities, though the origins of her powers remain unknown to her. Her life takes an unexpected turn when her friend Nanda discovers an elf named Damiz trapped in her room. They soon learn that Damiz is the prince of the elves and has been captured by Gorgon, a greedy executive who seeks to purchase the house where Nanda’s family lives. In order to help defeat Gorgon, Kira decides to venture into the world of the elves, where she uncovers hidden secrets about her past.
Kira, a botanist who is also the daughter of elves, must fight the evil wicked witch Algaz. In her quest, Kira will be helped by Epifania, agood witch, elf Daphnis and even Queen Dara, the fairy mother.
A deep behind-the-scenes documentary series about the journey, life, and career of the Paquitas, Xuxa's famous stage assistants who rose to fame and gained a fan following of their own.
Pra Sempre Paquitas