Die politische Intrige
The film shines a light onto federal chancellor Angela Merkel and her now ending 16-year-long tenure. An era, not an episode. And a vagarious relationship history between the chancellor and the Germans. Who has changed whom here?
TV presenter Markus Lanz invites prominent guests and experts from all areas of public life to his colourful talk show. As a rule, there are four guests, introduced individually to contribute their personal experiences to the topics.
Die Diskussion
Wer weiß denn sowas?
German talkshow hosted by Richard David Precht, a well known german philosopher and publisher, in which he speaks with a guest about a topic from culture, science, economy or politics in every episode
Zervakis & Opdenhövel. Live. is a weekly journal hosted by Linda Zervakis and Matthias Opdenhövel.
Anne Will discusses political processes, economic relationships, and social trends with her guests. Her motto: to think politically and ask directly.
Da kommst Du nie drauf! - Die große Show der schrägen Fragen
Barschel - Der rätselhafte Tod eines Spitzenpolitikers
Klamroths Konter
Linda Zervakis: Alles auf Anfang
MDR um 4
Pelzig hält sich
phoenix persönlich
Reinhold Beckmann trifft
Inas Nacht
So! Muncu!
Menschen bei Maischberger
Der Sonntags-Stammtisch
Talk aus Berlin
Absolute Mehrheit
Sabine Christiansen
maybrit illner
Extra 3 is a political satirical magazine from Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR).
Phoenix Runde
NDR Talk Show
3 nach 9
Reinhold Beckmann hosts a weekly talk show.
Hart aber fair
Talk vor Mitternacht
5 gegen Jauch
Pro und Contra: Der Puls 4 News Talk
Volle Kanne
Berlin direkt
Im Dialog
Bericht aus Berlin
Das Quiz