This documentary explores the creation of the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin as designed by architect Peter Eisenman. Reaction of the German public to the completed memorial is also shown.
Studio Friedman
Anne Will discusses political processes, economic relationships, and social trends with her guests. Her motto: to think politically and ask directly.
So gesehen – Talk am Sonntag
So! Muncu!
Menschen bei Maischberger
Tietjen und Bommes
TV total is a German late-night television comedy talk show. The set of TV total includes a floating interview stage that can be moved from one studio corner to the other. The show featured buttons with sounds and clips before Craig Ferguson's The Late Late Show.
Stuckrad Late Night
Sabine Christiansen
Maybrit Illner
Phoenix Runde
Reinhold Beckmann hosts a weekly talk show.
Hart aber fair
Unter den Linden
Fakt ist!