The story of a young, pregnant woman whose world falls apart when she loses her child in a hit and run accident. As her life unravels, Nathalie finds an unlikely protector in Henry, a down and out guardian angel who has followed her thread. But Henry is not quite the angel he seems...
Rent Do follows Rich, Winnie and Pete, roommates and reluctant best friends. When each one is unceremoniously fired on the same day, Winnifred takes matters into her own hands, forcing all three into hiding. Paying rent becomes the least of their concerns.
True story of a charming, popular American who managed to kill his mother and 3 wives before anyone even suspected him.
A glimpse into the outrageous lives of Jane, Kat and Sutton, who are working at the nation's top women's magazine, Scarlet, while navigating their careers, identities and individual voices.