A girl is captured by aliens for mating and bears a baby who possesses extraordinary abilities. This extraterrestrial baby boy grows up speedily and inherits the best quality of mankind and aliens of Planet K. This film is a spoof of some Hollywood big hits.
A costumer uses the mask of a dead actress to design a new wig. Second, witness three actresses' curiosity-gone-bad when they discover that their agent is messing around with the spirit of a deceased woman. And third, watch a commercial film-shoot cut short when the filmmakers are haunted by the apparition of a young boy.
Tony Leung Ka-Fai stars as a gay man who helps the spiritedly Anita Yuen through her single motherhood when her married boyfriend (Lawrence Cheng) impregnates and abandons her. Tony and Anita share the burden of parenthood, despite all of life's persistent issues (love, money, etc.).
When Fung's cop boyfriend Tats puts her supposedly reformed triad father behind bars, her daughter Fung aims to rid the organization of it's dirty ties, but one of Fung's father chief goons, Cheong, plans for a very hostile takeover.