"An income is like the wind beneath your wings" it says at the start of the film. Should this be an unconditional right for everyone? Is this at all possible - a financial human right? The film is exiting, moving, motivating and focuses on a precise rational point of view. It places the relationship and the main task of money under a new light. As a theme it is of the utmost relevance to our time. The video was used as a basis for discussion in numerous groups during the time the Swiss petition for a Basic Income to be included in the Constitution was under way.
TV presenter Markus Lanz invites prominent guests and experts from all areas of public life to his colourful talk show. As a rule, there are four guests, introduced individually to contribute their personal experiences to the topics.
Klipp und klar
"Do not get bored!" The rbb television is serious: Kurt Krömer is back! On Tuesday, September 3, 2019, at 22.00 hrs, rbb television will premiere "Chez Krömer", the new show by and with Kurt Krömer and guests.
Open End
3 Tage Leben
Klamroths Konter
Endlich Klartext!
Für & Wider – Die ZDF-Wahlduelle
So! Muncu!
Neo Magazin Royale is a satirical late night show hosted by Jan Böhmermann.
Menschen bei Maischberger
Stuckrad Late Night
Münchner Runde
Sabine Christiansen
maybrit illner
3 nach 9
Hart aber fair
Unter den Linden
Studio Friedman
Was erlauben Strunz?
Das Duell
Bauerfeind assistiert
Dunja Hayali
Hamburg Journal
Berlin direkt
Fakt ist!
Anne Will discusses political processes, economic relationships, and social trends with her guests. Her motto: to think politically and ask directly.
Bericht aus Berlin
Die Gewählten