The world is devastated by an ecological catastrophe. An old mercenary with a lung disease receives a seemingly simple assignment to deliver a young girl to a destination that would enable him to retire.
Polish WWII resistance fighter Witold Pilecki infiltrates Auschwitz, is imprisoned and interrogated by communist officials post-war, depicting his wartime experiences, incarceration, torture, and 1948 execution for opposing Soviet regime.
A western, inspired by the likes of Tarantino and Leone, set in the 1920s in the borderland between Poland and the USSR: Twin brothers plan to rob a rival Mafia style family, an instance of female empowerment in that it is run by sisters.
A Polish language biographical drama about the rapper Tomasz Chada.
Disappointed with being a housewife and annoyed by her cheating husband, Maria decides to abandon her family, move to Warsaw and get a well-paid job.