The cinematic origin story of William Banks' real journey to Car World – a planet in an alternate universe ruled by Worms who want to have sex with him.
An aimless New Yorker visits her landlord to tell her she's moving out of her building.
A lonely weed dealer spirals when she tries to make conversation with an uninterested client.
An aspiring news anchor needs help with her self tape audition.
Two grown men compete to be the most childish at a friend’s birthday party.
In this MiniDV curio, a young woman moves to New York and becomes entangled in her roommates’ tumultuous relationship.
An embittered man-child rails against women for being so mean.
Over the course of one day, a location scout connects with a handful of New York City residents as she struggles to lock down shooting locations for a TV pilot.
The Masked Magician returns to television to defy his fellow conjurers and disclose the tricks that have captivated audiences for centuries. Nowhere else has a magician dared to expose the secrets behind the world's most mystifying illusions.