Documentary about art theft during the nazi era.
Geheimakte Otto Waalkes - Harry Hirsch auf Spurensuche
Der letzte Gigant - auf der Suche nach Hitlers Riesenflugzeug
Das Quiz mit Jörg Pilawa
Weck Up
Lafer! Lichter! Lecker!
Anne Will discusses political processes, economic relationships, and social trends with her guests. Her motto: to think politically and ask directly.
As part of the countdown to the new millennium, each episode featured a short documentary about a particular event from each of the previous 99 years.
Terra X History
History Live
Momente der Geschichte
Blauer Panther
Die Gefangenen
Romy- Verleihung
Goldene Kamera Verleihung
Der Quiz-Champion
Volle Kanne
Wer weiß denn sowas?
Menschen bei Maischberger
Die Johannes B. Kerner Show
alfredissimo! Kochen mit Bio
TV presenter Markus Lanz invites prominent guests and experts from all areas of public life to his colourful talk show. As a rule, there are four guests, introduced individually to contribute their personal experiences to the topics.
Menschen der Woche
Kölner Treff
Die große Flucht
Phoenix Runde
Alpha Forum
Zeugen des Jahrhunderts
maybrit illner
NDR Talk Show
3 nach 9
Hart aber fair
Unter den Linden
Unsere Besten
5 nach 10