This coming-of-age drama follows Saba, the happy-go-lucky protagonist, through the years leading up to his adulthood and highlighting events of friendship and romance along the way.
Set in Himachal Pradesh, when two murders happen in the valley, Anthony comes to the scene to investigate the killings and another team of police officials led by Senthil IPS also arrives there. Ex-military Dr. Alan is in a quest to save his infected daughter Jaani and unravels a deadly virus outbreak with officer Anthony.
Four robbers come together and plot to rob a place in six hours. But there are some unforeseen problems. How do they deal with them and what will happen to them?
Average student nani learns to conquer love, fights and family turbulence in his four years of college life
Vijay and Pournami are two very different sort of people who first meet because of a misunderstanding. Vijay is a lazy engineering graduate unwilling to follow his passions and Pournami is an unlucky bold girl who doesn't give up on her dreams. They don't seem to find a lot of things in common at first; but as time passes more avenues open up for them to collaborate and learn from each other.
An action thriller film by Satheesh Regalla, starring Shekhar Varma and Viviya Santh in the lead roles.
The son of a popular martial arts expert, Manikkunnel Ittymaani is an impulsive man who keeps landing into trouble.
“Just married” is the story of a guy who suffers from physical relationship related anxiety. He was some type of a Romeo before getting married to the girl of his dreams. But then again he and his wife do not have the best physical relationship yet, when the man feels romantic he goes to the bed and sees his wife is sleeping. He also has someone in his life that is only there for giving useless advises. You can guess now that these kinds of situations create a lot of hilarious situations in the movie. Just married is a comedy for adult audiences, but there is absolutely no vulgarity in the movie.
Enter a cradle of mysteries where a man with a dark past manipulates multiple lives through a series of cryptic letters and deadly games.