A television production based on Bozena Slančíková-Timrava's short stories about social and moral conditions in a Slovak village in the 1930s.
Dievča z jazera
Izba naivného deda
Heloisa a Abelard
Ťažké dni
Television film based on the classic Slovak drama by Ivan Stodola. The theme of the play is the return of a supposedly dead man. The Ondrej-Eva-Mišo relationship triangle will only be solved by the death of one of them.
Chlapské leto
Mandarínka a Sokrates
Tridsať zámkov na Loire
Šepkajúci fantóm
Pulzovanie nášho vesmíru
Hra o Maruške
Výkupné za náčelníka
Vták nociar
Člny proti prúdu
Zbierka zaujímavostí
Rok má šesť dní
A comedy about three flirtatious woodcutters realistically capturing Slovak village life and criticizing insincerity, hypocrisy and male pride.
Keď radí strach
V službách zákona
Cesta životom
Povstalecká história
Vynálezy hodinára Aurela