AAA - Tour 2007 4th Attack Concert
AAA - Tour 2009 -A depArture pArty-
AAA - 1st Anniversary Live -3rd ATTACK
AAA Arena Tour 2014 -Gold Symphony-
AAA TOUR 2013 Eighth Wonder
AAA concert at Tokyo Dome on November 16, 2016
AAA Boys '2007 Winter Special Live at CLUB CITTA'
AAA ARENA TOUR 2016 - LEAP OVER -”, a Japan arena tour that drew a record attendance of 210,000 people, the largest ever in AAA's history. The highlight of the tour, the performance at Makuhari Messe, has been made into a long-awaited video.
Starting on September 1, 2018 at Tokyo Dome, AAA will tour 4 locations across Japan, AAA DOME TOUR 2018 COLOR A LIFE”, which drew 340,000 people, the largest number of attendance by the group.
Seven men and women board a pink bus in search of true love. On a journey through Asia with strangers, their goal is to return to Japan as a couple.