The financial decline of an ambitious Athenian shop owner has is followed by moral collapse. A companion in his new predicament helps him to reconsider his world view and rediscover the values he once had.
A lot of spectacle, a few words
Το καρναβάλι στο τρίγωνο των παπούδων
A housewife slips into her cousin's police uniform to check on her husband who is dazzled by a seductive industrial spy, and in the meantime, gives wrongdoers what they deserve. But, can a law-enforcement uniform save her marriage?
After four years in the Mediterranean as deck ratings of a luxurious cruiser, two Pontian Greeks return to their hometown of Athens to settle down with a well-off woman from the big city. But, is the perfect match closer than they think?
Παντρέψτεμε κι' ας κλαίω
Το σόι μου μέσα