There is a belief that if you find a five-leaf clover, a happy marriage awaits you... Several men from the Bachelors' Union want to get married to avoid high taxes, but there is only one suitable bride...
About the life and customs of the pre-war Lithuanian bourgeoisie in the seaside resort of Palanga.
The television musical film is based on the story "Dičius" by Teofilis Tilvitis.
The resourceful rural tailor Vincas offers the wealthy but tight-fisted landowner Antanas to lend his impoverished neighbor a couple of thousand rubles and in return get his daughter Agota as a wife with a large dowry. Then Vincas easily persuades Agota to steal the borrowed money from her father and flee to America together...
The fate of a young man who went to America to seek happiness, his longing for his homeland and the search for true values...
A comic play revealing people's empty ambitions and meaningless principles.
A classic mystery story based on the famous novel by Agatha Christie.
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A five part mini-series based on the novel by the same name.