Victor Lander Weekend
Grin til Gavn 2022
A company's online meeting takes an unexpected turn when an employee suddenly passes out, bringing the best and worst out of the other colleagues in this black comedy short.
Danish stand-up show from 2019
Grin til gavn 2020
Det Store Skilsmisseshow
LEGO Masters Danmark
ZULU Comedy Galla - De vildeste øjeblikke
Bøh! Den, der skriger, taber
Klar med svar
LEGO Masters - jul & nytår
ZULU Open Mic
Stormester - Vindernes vinder
Nicklas Pranker
ZULUs store fede nytårsquiz
Danish version of the British “Taskmaster” panel show in which comedians, actors and musicians (the contestants) must solve weird challenges in weird ways.
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Dine fulde fem
Actors, comedians, musicians etc. challenge their prejudices by guessing details about stranger's lives.
ZULU Comedy Galla
100% Sjov
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Zulu har din ryg
ZULU Surprise