After she's run off the road, an expectant mother barely survives a harrowing crash. When she awakens days later, she discovers that her baby has been taken.
Astronomer David Summers (Christopher Knight) has just discovered the Dream Galaxy, and with it, Misty (Meadow Williams) -- the girl of his dreams. Also featuring Eric Roberts, Hal Linden, Adrianne Curry and Barry Van Dyke.
A young couple copes with the mysterious illness of their new baby only later to discover the baby they brought home from the hospital isn't theirs. So who has their baby?
A conservative and socially awkward optometrist decides to take a leap of faith on quest for fulfillment in a male companion at the urging of her friends as a last-ditch effort to find happiness. Her arduous journey leads her to a potential young suitor, but more important down a path to self-discovery.