The story follows Aya from the time she moves to Tokyo at age 23 up until she turns 40. Aya has to adjust to the different values and perceptions of the big city as she struggles with challenging situations. We get to follow Aya’s move from one neighborhood to another as she maneuvers her career and love life.
Aoki has a crush on Hashimoto, the girl in the seat next to him in class. But he despairs when he borrows her eraser and sees she's written the name of another boy—Ida—on it. To make matters more confusing, Ida sees Aoki holding that very eraser and thinks Aoki has a crush on him!
This seven-episode anthology features a cast of leading actors and depicts various forms of "love," such as love almost forgotten, love between sons and mothers, and love that transcends borders.
This is a compilation of 20 mini-stories of light romance situations between younger men and older women. The male cast is members of "Naniwa Boys", "Aぇ! group". and "Lil Kansai" that is a unit of "Kansai Johnny Jr."
Isao Komori is a college dropout who spends his days cooped up in his apartment playing video games. The highlight of his day is visiting a convenience store where an angel-like high-school girl called Mari visits every night. One morning Komori wakes up in Mari's body. Another "Komori" inhabits his old body, and Mari has disappeared. Komori struggles to maintain Mari's ordinary life and starts to investigate Mari's disappearance.