La vraie vie de vos aventuriers
They are popular with the public for having experienced love stories that have ended badly ... We will help them regain their self-confidence and give them all the keys to seduce, so that they can, finally, find the GREAT LOVE !
In a heavenly place, 8 famous couples test their love and try to realize the dream of their life. They are all convinced that their love is stronger than anything! And all have the same goal: to become the couple of the year and win up to €50,000.
Les Princes et les Princesses de l'amour
Fourteen to eighteen contestants have to survive on an uninhabited island for 40 days (20 days in the special editions). It's up to them to find food to accompany the meagre ration of rice provided at the start of the adventure. They have to build a shelter to protect themselves from the elements (bad weather, insects, etc.) and maintain the fire that they managed to build or that they won in the first comfort test.