Koncert pro mantinely
Radost až do rána
Hodinářova svatební cesta korálovým mořem
Muzika pro dva
Pocta Karlu Gottovi
Pavel Šporcl 50
Hle Praha, pane Pařížane!
...Den začíná i končí...
Silvestr na přání aneb Čí jsou hory Kavčí
20 let Olympicu
Švand, a room painter from Strakonice, begins a dizzying career as a pop music star, but he soon discovers that fame is not the most important thing in life or what he is looking for and what he longs for in life.
A musical comedy about a date between boy and girl which started badly but continued very unexpectedly...
Možná přijde i kouzelník
MasterChef Česko
Das Sonntagskonzert