How come that a 19 years old man from Dortmund is becoming part of the IS? Journalist Thilo Mischke tries to find answers to that and many other questions in this documentary.
Over the past 18 months, journalist Thilo Mischke has conducted research for ProSieben within right-wing networks and met supporters of various right-wing and right-wing extremist groups. In the "ProSieben Special: Right. German. Radical." he pursues the question: "Is our liberal democratic basic order in danger?
Radikale Christen und ihr Griff nach der Macht?
Forrest Trump. Amerika vor der Schicksalswahl.
TV presenter Markus Lanz invites prominent guests and experts from all areas of public life to his colourful talk show. As a rule, there are four guests, introduced individually to contribute their personal experiences to the topics.
Laura Karasek - Zart am Limit
ProSieben Das Thema
Late Night Berlin