Holland's Next Top Model is a Dutch reality television show hosted by writer and former model Daphne Deckers, who also serves as the lead judge. The first "cycle" premiered in September 2006 and was one of RTL5's highest rated shows, which is based on the series America's Next Top Model with Tyra Banks. On July 24, 2012, RTL5 announced they would not broadcast a new season.
Killer Camp
Anna can't remember anything about her past. In this documentary she finds out what happened in her family, why they never talked about it. And what is was like living in 13 different asylum centers. Meanwhile she tries to cope with the hate she gets for being famous and her mental health. When she gets overwhelmed, she goes to LA where she meets her half sister again after 20 years. Anna Nooshin is a Dutch/Iranian influencer from Amsterdam who has 1 million followers on Instagram.
Koen Pieter van Dijk, known as Koen Kardashian, is battling a crack addiction that nearly ended his life. To achieve this, he will have to confront his past. However, in his world, temptation is always present.
Weet Ik Veel
In Jachtseizoen, Giel, Thomas and Stefan from Dutch YouTube channel StukTV take on a new challenger every week. Who remains uncaptured by StukTV? The chase has begun!
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