Set in the thriving Celestial Dynasty, the prestigious Celestial Authority Academy is established by four imperial families vying for influence. A celebrated writer, admired even by the Empress, enters the academy without an exam, only to reveal she's a woman in disguise. As her charm and talent captivate those around her, an enchanting and grand campus love story unfolds.
A wuxia story about the Uniform Embroided Guards who punishes the evil and uphold justice. It revolves around Shi Jingyuan, who finds his direction in life and grows from a small figure to a legendary hero. At the same time, it also tells the story of Emperor Zhu Changqing's tragic fate, who died before he could realize his ambition of saving the people.
Chen Ying Xiong meets the strict and serious Gong Wu Yuan. The two of them mature from rookies into full-fledged officers through a series of light stories that reflect the spirit of grassroots policemen who move forward bravely in times of crisis.