Funeral home owner Daniel is invited to attend a vigil with a highly unusual request – to photograph the vigil and the deceased. Driven by a material incentive, Daniel agrees to this request. Upon arrival, he discovers that the deceased's relatives are also unusual individuals who want him to respect their traditional customs originating from the Vlach region...
In a series of comic situations, the hilarious Simeon, with the help of his extramarital sons, Momir and Dragan, and his roommate, Marina, manages to deceive everyone he meets on the doorstep of his apartment in the center of Belgrade.
Dream team is a 12 episode humorous TV Series intended for broadcasting on Sunday evenings. It's partly created based on the unverified biography of Maradona from Zvezdara, the famous Inge, the TV Series Dream team, is the story of not that successful football player Ilija Ika Srdic and his team made of his 11 sons. Each episode will tell one funny story from the life of this numerous football family, this unusual football team. At the very beginning of the TV Series " BULBUDERAC " (the name of this fraternal team) performs in the zone competition but with great ambition to enter one day to the Second League then the First League and even to the Champions League.
Ravna Gora tells story of events after April War 1941. Serbia with accent on the Chetnic-Partisan conflict, at the beginning of World War II