Follows Dasthakeer and Sulekha, a married couple that moves to Dubai with their three children for a better living.
Unforeseen events arose in Philip's joyful family disrupting their happiness. They must tackle these hiccups and regain their life in a better way
Life turns topsy turvy for the Kuruvila family when each of them face failures in their lives. Will they overcome it or will they go into disarray?
Gossip, illicit relationships and an elaborate underwear-stealing prank fuel escalating tensions between rival villagers.
Advocate Mukundan Unni wants to be successful and leaves no stone unturned to achieve growth, prosperity, and respect. But this steadfast nature aided with an ample dose of greed comes with a cost.
A mysterious death during work hours in an office puzzles all but only Investigator ASP Sandeep Krishna observes it as a murder.