The film follows the lives of the twins Tag and Haroun, who go through many crises as their supernatural abilities cause many paradoxes to occur.
The story follows a poor government employee who lands in a lot of trouble because of his father's profession, while he falls for a girl who tries to help him solve his problems.
When Khalil and Zahia discover a deep dark secret about their newly married parents, they find themselves on a rollercoaster of unexpected events.
The story follows Sultan, a boxer and trainer who works with his friend Saeed in a sports center. They find themselves in trouble when they stumble upon a printing press for counterfeit money.
Alaa is an introverted young man who lives a healthy and organized life. His life turns upside down when his twin brother whom he never knew existed, Bahaa, Alaa’s complete opposite on all levels, barges into his life.
A conflict between men and women becomes a third world war. All humans die except for a number of men and women in Egypt. After the Haj and Hajja appear, a truce is called between the commander of the men's army (Sultan) and the leader of the women army (Karma), but what will happen during this truce?
خارج السيطرة
When Omar has a serious injury that prevents him from playing basketball and Diab gets electrocuted, they embark on a journey to get new jobs, and helpless, they buy a taxi, that's when their debts increase and they get in trouble to pay off the installments.